TieServer Console v2.0.9.x

3G, 4G and Wi-Fi Network Settings

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3G, 4G and Wi-Fi Network Settings

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3G, 4G and Wi-Fi Network Settings

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Report-IT Live will operate over 3G and 4G wireless broadband networks and Wi-Fi connections. By default an iPhone and most Android smartphones will connect to an available Wi-Fi network that it has been registered to, rather than a 3G network.


Stop-1 copy

WARNING: The purchase price of Report-IT does not include network airtime/data costs. Please check these fees and charges with your cell phone network provider.


Global and Individual Wireless Settings in Report-IT

There are two default wireless network settings in Report-IT:


1.Global default wireless settings: nominating the default wireless settings for all user accounts when individual settings are not configured.


2.Individual User Account wireless settings: nominating wireless settings available to an individual user account. This overrides the global default wireless networks settings.



With Report-IT Enterprise installed on iPhones and other Apple devices it is possible to configure to connect in the following ways.



Important Note: Similar settings are available on most Android smart phones. Check the user manual for your device for more details about configuring network functions on your Android smartphone.

Globally Configure Connections over Wi-Fi Only

1.Register the iPhone to the Wi-Fi network you are operating within.

2.Select Users in the main menu bar of the TieServer Console.


Users - menu bar selected


3.Click to select the domain in the List Panel.

Users - list panel domain selected

4.Select Across Networks and ensure the setting is No.


Globally Configure 3G or 4G Wireless Connections Only

There are two different ways to make sure the iPhone will only connect over 3G or 4G networks.


1.Tap Settings > Wi-Fi for your iPhone and use your finger to swipe and turn the Wi-Fi setting to Off, or

2.If you connect initially over 3G or 4G but move across both 3G/4G and Wi-Fi networks, you can ensure that you will always connect over 3G or 4G if the connection is temporarily lost.

i.Select Users in the main menu bar of the TieServer Console.

ii.Click to select the domain in the List Panel.

iii.Select Across Networks and ensure the setting is No. (Note: This allows you to use both Wi-Fi and 3G when you are not using Report-IT Live).


Globally Connect over Wi-Fi with Automatic 3G or 4G Backup

Report-IT Live will connect over Wi-Fi by default if the iPhone is registered to a Wi-Fi network. It can also failover to 3G or 4G as a backup if the Wi-Fi network becomes unavailable.


1.Tap Settings > Wi-Fi for your iPhone and use your finger to swipe and turn the Wi-Fi setting to On.

2.Select Users in the main menu bar of the TieServer Console.

3.Click to select the domain in the List Panel.

4.Select Across Networks and ensure the setting is Yes.

5.Select Auto Reconnect and ensure the setting is Yes.


When these settings are configured, if you lose a connection, the phone will attempt to connect to the studio over 3G.



Important Note: If a Wi-Fi network is not available it will connect over 3G with these settings. If a 3G network is not available and Wi-Fi is available, then Wi-Fi will be selected for connecting. The Wi-Fi symbol in the top left-hand corner of the iPhone screen indicates a connection over Wi-Fi is active.

Wi-Fi phone symbol


Individual User Account Connections over Wi-Fi Only

1.Register the iPhone to the wireless network you are operating within.

2.Select Users in the main menu bar of the TieServer Console.

3.Click to select the user account you want to configure.

4.Ensure the setting for Use Defaults is No.

5.Select Across Networks and ensure the setting is No. (Note: This allows you to use both Wi-Fi and 3G when you are not using Report-IT Live).


Individually Configure User Accounts to Connect over 3G Only

1.Tap Settings > Wi-Fi for your iPhone and use your finger to swipe and turn the Wi-Fi setting to Off, or

2.If you connect initially over 3G but move across both 3G and Wi-Fi networks, you can ensure that you will always connect over 3G if the connection is temporarily lost.

iv.Select Users in the main menu bar of the TieServer Console.

v.Click to select the user account you want to configure.

vi.Ensure the setting for Use Defaults is No.

vii.Select Across Networks and ensure the setting is No. (Note: This allows you to use both Wi-Fi and 3G when you are not using Report-IT Live).


Individually Configure User Accounts to Connect over Wi-Fi with Auto Backup to 3G

Report-IT Live will connect over Wi-Fi by default if the iPhone is registered to a Wi-Fi network. It can also failover to 3G as a backup if the Wi-Fi network becomes unavailable.


1.Tap Settings > Wi-Fi for your iPhone and use your finger to swipe and turn the Wi-Fi setting to On.

2.Select Users in the main menu bar of the TieServer Console.

3.Click to select the user account you want to configure.

4.Ensure the setting for Use Defaults is No.

5.Select Across Networks and ensure the setting is Yes.

6.Select Auto Reconnect and ensure the setting is Yes.


When these settings are configured, if you lose a connection, the phone will attempt to connect to the studio over 3G.