TieServer Console v2.0.9.x

Managing CMS Codec Licenses

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Managing CMS Codec Licenses

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Managing CMS Codec Licenses

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The Codec Management System (CMS) is a separate program to the TieServer Console and can be used to configure and monitor your entire network of Tieline codecs, including the studio codecs used by Report-IT for IP connections. Codec Management System codec licenses can be purchased from your favorite dealer.


After being purchased, codec licenses are added to your domain by Tieline. When you log in to the TieServer Console the number of codec licenses available within your domain is displayed within the CMS Licenses section of the Details Panel.


Codec - CMS Licenses unallocated

These licenses can then be allocated to the codecs you have within your domain. To manage these codecs using the Codec Management System, simply download the application and install the license file for the system. Both the system license file and the application can be downloaded from within Codec section of the TieServer Console.


Codec - CMS download buttons


The suggested workflow for someone who has just purchased Codec Management System codec licenses is as follows:


1.Log in to the TieServer Console.

2.Add codecs to your domain.

3.Allocate Codec Management System Licenses to your codecs.

4.Use the TieServer Console to download the Codec Management System license file.

5.Download the Codec Management System program.

6.Install the Codec Management System license file into the Codec Management System, which allows you to manage your licensed codecs (click Help in the Codec Management System to view instructions).


Viewing Unused Codec Licenses


1.Select Codec in the main menu bar.


TieServer - tabs codec hilighted


2.Ensure the domain is selected in the List Panel.


Codec - select domain in list panel

3.Click the Expanding Arrow Toggle Expanding arrow toggle for CMS Licenses.


4.The number of available licenses is listed in the Details Panel. In the following example two more codecs can be allocated licenses within the domain.


Codec - CMS Licenses unallocated