TieServer Console v2.0.9.x

Add Authorized Users to Codecs

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Add Authorized Users to Codecs

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Add Authorized Users to Codecs

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1.Select Codec in the main menu bar.


TieServer - tabs codec hilighted


2.Click to select the codec in the List Panel that you want to configure.


Codecs panel - codec highlighted


3. Click the Expanding Arrow Toggle Expanding arrow toggle for Authorized Users.


4.If you know the identity of users you want to add click the Authorize button Authorise button.

Note: use the filter text box and Apply Filter Apply Filter button button to search for user accounts.


5.Enter the username into the text box and click Authorize.


Codecs - add authorised user

6.After TieServer authorizes the user they will appear in the list of authorized users for the selected codec.



Important Note: It is also possible to authorize user accounts by selecting Users in the main menu bar, then select a specific user account > expand Authorized Codecs > click Authorize.