TieServer Console v2.0.9.x

Add New Share Servers

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Add New Share Servers

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Add New Share Servers

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There are two elements involved in configuring Report-IT to perform transfers of audio recordings to preferred servers:


Add new destination share servers.

Configure server and audio encoding settings.


Adding New Servers

1.Select Sharing in the main menu bar.


FTP - selected in main menu bar


2.Ensure the domain is selected in the List Panel.


3.Click the Create Share button Create Share button.


4.Select the Share Type.


Share - select share type


5.Enter the destination server Share Name and enter the server address into the Host text box, then click Create Share.


6.The server you add will then appear in the list of share servers in your domain.


Share - example share servers

Selecting the Default Domain Share Server

If you have multiple share servers within your domain you can select a default share server, which will be the server all user accounts connect with by default, when no individual user account settings are configured. Note: Default share server settings for individual users can only be configured after user accounts have been created.


1.Select Share in the main menu bar.


2.Ensure the domain is selected in the List Panel.


3.On the right-hand side of the Details Panel click the check-box for the server you want to be the default domain server.


Share - select default domain codec