TieServer Console v2.0.9.x

Configuring Server Settings

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Configuring Server Settings

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Configuring Server Settings

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1.Select Sharing in the main menu bar.


FTP - selected in main menu bar


2.Click to select the server you want to configure.


Share - select a server

3.Click the Expanding Arrow Toggle Expanding arrow toggle for Server Settings and Encoding Settings.


Share - Server settings displayed


4. Click change to adjust any server or encoding settings.



Important Note: Basic report metadata is recorded in a report when recordings are sent to FTP servers.


Nétia Radio-Assist

Report-IT and the TieServer Console support compatibility with Netia Radio-Assist management systems to allow seamless sharing of recorded files with Netia systems. The following Radio-Assist Site settings are available for configuration.


Share - Radio-Assist Site Settings

Nétia Radio Assist Metadata

Report-IT integrates with Nétia Radio-Assist and sends report metadata along with the recorded file when a share is transmitted to a Nétia Radio-Assist server. The metadata may include:


1.User information.

2.A Report title.

3.The time at which the report was recorded.

4.The city in which the report was recorded (when configured).

5.The GPS coordinates at which the report was recorded (requires authorization for the use of location services for Report-IT).

6.The duration of the report.

7.Additional user description/remarks about the report.


Metadata specific to Radio-Assist shares includes the Site Timezone and Nétia User Data settings.


Adjusting the Site Timezone

The timezone setting indicates which timezone will be used for the Report Time metadata sent to the Radio-Assist site server. This defaults to the current timezone of the device. It is usually set to the timezone which the destination Radio-Assist server database is servicing. Timezones will automatically adjust for daylight saving timezones as required.


1.Click change for Site Timezone.


Share -Netia Site Timezone

2.Click the drop-down arrow to change the default timezone if required, then click Change.


Nétia User Data

The Nétia User Data setting configures which information will be used to populate the user information sent to the Radio-Assist site server.


1.Click change for Nétia User Data.


Share -Netia User Data options

2.Select the preferred option from:


i.TieServer User Name: the user name of the logged in user (without @<domain name>). This is the default setting.

ii.TieServer User Tag: the value entered in the Tag field for a user. The user name will be entered if this is not specified.

iii.TieServer User Byline: the value set for the user's byline.

iv.Site User Name: the value used for the Radio Assist site User Name configuration.

v.Custom: A custom value.


3.Click Change.



Important Note: The Autofill component of Nétia Radio-Assist requires the addition of a mapping file before this feature can be used by Report-IT Enterprise. This is available directly from Nétia. Please contact your local Nétia agent for details on acquiring this file.


Broadcast Wave Format Metadata

Report-IT supports Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) for sharing of recordings. BWF is an extension of the Microsoft® WAVE audio format and provides additional metadata when sharing recordings between applications.


If you select this encoding format, the metadata added to recordings by users will be included when sharing reports.