TieServer Console v2.0.9.x

Getting to Know the User Interface

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Getting to Know the User Interface

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Getting to Know the User Interface

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After logging into TieServer, the TieServer Console displays the overview screen, which contains various tabs for configuring different elements of the system. The number of tabs and the information displayed within the TieServer Console after login is dependent upon the licenses you own. For example, Report-IT 10 Pack and Codec Management System license owners do not have access to any Report-IT Enterprise 25/50/100 Pack features.


The TieServer Console is divided into four sections:


1.Codecs: add, configure and view codecs in your domain

2.Users: add, configure and view users in your domain

3.Sharing: add, configure and view Report-IT audio sharing configuration in your domain

4.Help: view available user help documentation


Click on the menu bar across the top of the screen to navigate to the section you want.


Menu Bar

Menu Bar


Within each page section there is a domain level view of devices and users as well as a details level view of individual device and user settings.


Management Console - overview codec tab






Menu bar

Click to select a tab to add, configure and view device settings


List Panel

Devices and users within your domain are displayed depending on which tab is selected, e.g. codecs, users or shares.


Details Panel

Add, configure and view users or devices; select default domain and device settings as well as individual device and user settings


Expanding Arrow  Toggle

Click the right-hand arrow to reveal and hide additional details on each page

Basic Page Navigation

The List Panel on the left side of the each page allows you to view the domain level settings, or individual device/user settings, when you click on the codec, share server or user displayed.


In the example shown, the domain example.org is selected in the List Panel and the codecs within this domain are listed on the right-hand side. Click over a codec hyperlink to display a device's configuration details.


Codec - List Panel domain and codecs hilighted


In the example shown, Studio 1 is selected within the domain example.org and configuration settings for the device have been displayed in the Details Panel on the right-hand side.

Codec - List Panel hilighted

Click on the Expanding Arrow Toggles Expanding arrow toggle on the right-hand of the Details Panel (or anywhere on the blue lines adjacent to them) to show or hide additional configuration settings as required.


Codec - Expanding toggle



Click and drag over the panel divider to expand or reduce the size of the List Panel.

Codec - panel size adjustment


Basic Controls

Each page uses common configuration tool including buttons, check-boxes, navigation arrows and text box search filters to assist with configuration settings. Confirmation dialogs are usually associated with 'destructive' configuration changes, e.g. deleting servers and user accounts.


Use to add/delete devices and users, authorize users, enable licenses and apply filters (etc).

Add Codec button

Click check-boxes to select default settings and regular expression filter searches (etc)

Check box - default one checked one not checked

Click the Apply Filter button to apply text box search filters and find users and codecs. Simple 'wild card' searches using the * symbol are available and more complex 'Regular Expression' searches can be used by 'power-users.'

Filter - text box and button

Click Change to adjust minor configuration settings on a page. Any changes are applied immediately. Press hide to close the editing control and press cancel to remove any current edits and close the editing control.

Click Change

Click the navigation arrows to navigate between multiple pages.

navigation arrows - codecs

When the TieServer Console is communicating with the server an indicator is displayed in the menu bar next to the Help menu. Other system controls may also display a similar indicator while their values are being retrieved or updated. Depending on the time taken to retrieve data, a blur effect may also be visible on the screen.

Contacting server indication


Saving Configuration Changes

The TieServer Console does not automatically update configuration settings when they are changed using a device other than the one currently being used for configuration. E.g. where a value is changed by a TieServer Console user on another computer, or someone using TieServer Console administration applications on portable Android or Apple devices. (Note: There are no restrictions on the number of computers an administrator can be logged in with at any given time).


Generally, selecting different Codecs, Users, and Sharing settings does refresh settings from the server, however when adding/removing codec, user, and sharing settings externally, you may have to press your browser refresh button to update the values shown in the TieServer Console.


Note: On some Mac OS X Safari installations/versions, the refresh button on the browser doesn’t always work. To overcome this, just place the cursor in the address bar and press enter.